With Age Comes Wisdom

Or so I’d like to think. I realized the other day that it really saddens me to seen grown women who aren’t comfortable with themselves. I’m not saying you need to be super arrogant, but if you are at least honest with yourself and comfortable in your own skin, people can tell.

I have not always been the most comfortable and confident woman. Heck, to this day I struggle with it. But at the end of the day I accept that I look how I look, my personality is pretty much set, and not everyone will like me or find me attractive. That’s life. I wonder how much harder my life would be if I still worried about what everyone thought. Or tried to please the masses. I would feel overwhelmed and depressed for not living up to this or that.

Maybe it’s 30. Maybe it’s being a wife and mother. Maybe it’s adversity toughening me up. Whatever has given me this outlook, I like it. I also hope to pay it forward. I don’t care if you’re 14 or 40, just love yourself. If you don’t, who will?

What gives you the confidence to be you?

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