Jump Start


Happy Labor Day weekend peeps!

I decided to get a jump start on my challenge this evening. I gave it a test “run” if you will. I think it went pretty well. As you can see from Nike+ Run app picture above, it is about 1.12 miles from my door, to the park, three times around, and back to my door.

I’m testing out a few apps to track my miles over the course of the challenge, including the aforementioned Nike+ Run, MapMyRun and Runtastic. I think my fave so far is RunKeeper. It allows me to add my own goal, namely my 30 miles in 30 days challenge. My run tracker, in combination with my Fitbit tracking my overall steps, floors, calories, and distance for the day, should give a pretty accurate view of how I’m doing throughout my challenge. 

Even though taking on a new challenge can be exciting enough, I think I need a few things to enhance my experience, such as:

  1. New walking/running shoes (I hope to earn/deserve/need these by sticking with my challenge)
  2. A new sports bra (for obvious reasons)
  3. A reflector or vest if I decide to go early or after sundown
  4. An armband for my phone
  5. New workout pants and shirt

I think this is a short, doable, non-flashy list. Maybe even basics to some but as someone who hasn’t committed to this kind of routine before, I think it’s fair I have some things I need to get off to the right start. 

If you can’t tell, I’m a little excited. Again, and as always, wish me luck!

Fitness Challenge: Accepted!

So, I am posting this with the hope it will keep me accountable. I am normally not one to participate in monthly “challenge” events, but something about this particular challenge jumped out at me.

I was browsing Pinterest today and stumbled across a challenge called 30 Miles in 30 Days on the blog, Mother’s Niche. Clearly, the goal is the run 30 miles in 30 days. While the most straight-forward way to complete this challenge would be to do one mile per day, the best thing about this challenge is that instead of saying what I need to do each day, it is giving me a goal for the month, but allowing me to set my own schedule. If for some reason, such as work, school, motherhood, illness, etc., I am unable to get a mile in one day, I can always roll it over to the next day. This built-in contingency might keep me from feeling guilty if life gets in the way of my challenge. Of course, my goal will be to do one mile of walking (running perhaps?) each day.

I was reading an article from Lifehacker the other day about mini habits. How starting off with a very small goal, like one push-up per day (or in this case, walking, running, or swimming one mile per day) can lead to big changes without the pressure of completing a long-term goal weighing on you. I hope that this mindset helps me. That just focusing on way day, one mile, getting moving long enough to accomplish that one daily goal, will help me stay on track.

Wish me luck as I try to stick to this goal. I am hoping the help and motivation of the blog and Instagram participants will keep me going. Starting Monday, I’m off and running! Get it?! 😀



The Grad Student and Career Woman

Friday was the start of my life as a graduate student. I will be attending California State University, Sacramento, working toward my Masters of Art in Education, with an emphasis in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies. I can’t tell you how excited I am.

I did a lot of soul searching about the kind of career I wanted to pursue. I realized that while I did not seek out higher education, it found me by chance when I was living in Blacksburg and ended up working at Virginia Tech. I have always done and been good at administrative work, and I wanted those skills to take me wherever I wanted to go. Doing admin work does allow you to work in almost any and every industry. But that can be unfulfilling when you looking for a place to belong. In each of the industries I have worked in, I used to wonder, “is this where I belong?”

It wasn’t until I took my past job at UC Davis working as an advising assistant that I realized what I was really good at and wanted to do. Since getting my job as undergraduate academic adviser last year, I’ve found a place I belong. I love working with students. I love advising. I hope to continue my career in student affairs. While this program is geared toward leadership in higher education, student affairs needs leaders as well.

I did a lot of comparing, contrasting, and research before choosing this program. There were a number of online programs that were very tempting because of the flexible schedule. I ultimately chose this program because it is a hybrid program, which I think will be beneficial and it is made for working professionals. This program is well-recognized and respected on the UC Davis campus, and I am sure elsewhere. The price isn’t too bad either 😉

This weekend was our first monthly in-person meeting. It was so great to meet our diverse cohort. Luckily, one of the other advisers from the UC Davis campus is part of my cohort as well. I’m really looking forward to spending the next two years with these people. They are all so thoughtful, interesting, and passionate.

Wish us luck as we tackle the next two years together! Go EDLP Cohort Class of 2016!



Oh just me and some of my cohort mates, Kat and Avaeta

Back in Cali

I’m finally back on the left coast and starting to get back to normal after traveling through time for the past week. I was in North Carolina just long enough to get used to the time difference and then head back. Even my much-needed day in between yesterday couldn’t get me caught up on all of the sleep.

Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to blog from the road (maybe next time) but I did get to have lots of wonderful times with old friends and new. I got to shower one of my best girls with love and celebrate her upcoming wedding. I also got to drink lots of wine. I’ve missed that.

It felt strange not having a toddler climbing all over me or needing something. It was strange not parenting. Dog life was a change as well. I forget how much attention they want and need. But just like the cats, at the end of the day, they just want to snuggle up with you.

I stayed up late, ate badly, and swore like a sailor. Very, very good times.

So glad to be home to my little family in our little world though. I’ll get back into this parenting grind. Patience is a virtue I only have for my child but apparently, I can get rusty at that too. He’s picked up a lot of new attitude since I’ve been gone. So back to work I go, trying to make a decent human being out of him.

In the meantime, please enjoy a few snapshots of my journey away.




One of our wine nights


Being silly with Nikki P.



The bride-to-be and me at the bachelorette party


Loki was my road dog the entire trip

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Tomorrow I fly off to North Carolina to celebrate/host the bridal shower and bachelorette part of one of my best girls, Miss Liz Louise. I cannot wait to party and celebrate with her.

I haven’t flown since my little was born and what’s more, I haven’t left him for more than two nights. That was a road trip up to the Nor Cal coast. This is flying to the other side of the country. I’m anxious but excited. I know that my husband is more than capable, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry. What if he gets sick? What if he goes through a sleep regression or growth spurt? What if he forgets about me? I know the last one is completely irrational but, I’m a mom and a worrier: it’s a recipe for disaster.

I know that I am going to have fun and enjoy the break. I know I need the time off from work. I can feel the burn out coming. I could use the change of scenery and sometime to just be me; not an employee, a wife, or a mom. I will always be those things, but it will be nice to just be one of the girls for a few days, not just hours.

Wish me safe travels and maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll blog from the road!



At my bachelorette, what seems like years ago (it was)…aren’t we cute?!