Another Year in the Books: 2015

Happy (almost) new year all!

This is by far my favorite holiday of the year. Yes, I am one of those people that’s all about “new year, new me.” It’s not that I necessarily believe that everything has to change with each roll to a new year, but I do think that the closing of one year is an opportunity to reflect; on the good, the bad, what you’ve learned, and what can be changed. It is a great way to mark the passage of time.

So, I made a little list last year at the end of 2014, nothing crazy, just a few things I wanted to try and accomplish.

2015 Resolutions:

  • Starting with the most important, I transitioned to my natural hair! It was a long-time coming but so far, so good. I’ve learned lots, but my journey is still beginning. Onward to 2016!
  • We were able to successfully rid our house of pacifiers, but potty training is still in-progress.
  • Baby #2? Well, work, school, life, my health…heck, everything got in the way :-/

2016 Resolutions:

  1. This child will be potty trained. By March, is my plan!
  2. Save money! $$$
  3. Finish my graduate degree. My goal is Spring (optimistic). Could be Fall (realistic).
  4. Baby #2. Let’s try this one again…

Those are just a few this things that I’d like to work on in 2016. I hope you all have a safe New Year’s Eve and a wonderful new year. Bring on 2016!

FGG Week 1

So, I just finished up my first week of the Fit Girl’s Guide 28-Day Jumpstart. The best way to describe this week was a struggle.

My meal prep got off to a rocky start and I was never really able to regain my footing. I am used to prepping for a few days worth of lunches on Sunday evening, but prepping for three full meals per day was serious. I put off some of the prep and thus was scrambling to put together dinners each day of the week. Snacks were overlooked and I often went off the rails.

Needless to say this committment to clean eating thing is hard work. I think I took it lightly because I had a “guide” to follow. For whatever reason, my thinking has been, as long as I know what to make I’ll just do it. Not so fast…I had three meals spelled out for me but the hard part was the cutting, sauteing, mixing, and cooking for each meal…Perhaps other ladies starting this journey are more skilled in the kitchen but I felt like I was floundering.

Add to that my schedule. This was the last week of classes at work. Being new to this position still, I feel a good amount of pressure right now because I am still learning. Then throw in my master’s program, top with family (arguing with a three year old is no joke!) and you have a recipe for exhaustion.

The exercise portion of this program? Almost non-existent. Drinking enough water? Yeah, no.

For a status update, I will not call this week a loss. I think the majority of what I was ate was better than I normally eat. I increased my whole food intake substantially; barely anyting processed. I made a conscious effort to drink more water and that is steadily increasing, though still not optimal. I cooked for myself healthy, virtually salt-free meals. I exercised. I was conscous of everything I ate. I’ll give myself a passing grade (C) but I won’t say I high acheiving.

While I cannot say that this first week was “successful,” I will say that it was a step in the right direction with the necessity for improvement. This program does not focus on perfection. Nevertheless, self-control and awareness are needed for me to make changes.

On to week 2! I’ve already started my grocery list and know in my mind that I will need to give myself more time and energy toward my food. Wish me luck!

P.S. – Here’s  a look back at some of the things I did well this week 😉